Why do I hate Bono he wondered.

  • Why do I hate Bono he wondered.
  • He liked the Josha Tree album. He could even bear the Real Thing crouch 360 video. Maybe he just hated the name, Bono. It sounded to much like Bozo, Bongo, Banjo, Bonzo, and Bobo.
  • And what's up with The Edge? I mean who calls themselves the edge, the edge of what? Of his goatee razor? That's why I like Adam and Larry, they are cool no-nonsense couple of lads
  • even though they like to kiss each other a whole lot. But Adam & Larry have Netflix and they're nice enough guys and made this really awesome borscht once with mushroom raviolis.
  • It was seriously probably at least a 9 on the borschtometer. Really not bad. Although like hummus, some suggest that borscht is subject to a terminal awesomeness barrier since it's
  • Good for the fingernails and for your breath. Gramma used to put it in a down pillowcase and have us sleep on it when we were kids, and it cured the common cold right up! It also
  • caused lifelong issues with depression and hallucination. Maybe it's just that the visions were horrible, like Bosch paintings, filled with tormented characters in uncomfortable
  • positions, not unlike women wearing Spanks. They were visions of sugarplums, visions of grandeur, even visions of the future, all horribly depressed. "What shall become of us?"
  • wailed the sad chubby fairies. They had reason to cry, you see, because there truly is no purpose for fat fairies. Their tiny luminescent wings could not lift them from the ground.
  • I want to say I don't believe in this sad tale of fat fairies, but I'm afraid one will die if I do. I'll say that I'm skeptical. Does saying you're skeptical break a fairy's leg?


  1. lucielucie Dec 03 2013 @ 08:41

    How did Hamstak go from borscht to bosch? That's a 9 on the FS psychicometer!

  2. Zetawilk Dec 03 2013 @ 09:53

    Ah, some borscht, some Bosch. A perfect evening.

  3. 49erFaithful Dec 03 2013 @ 13:06

    Bosch borscht is the bescht. Also, the terminal awesomeness barrier was invented here, so far as I know: http://foldingstory.com/3iugg/e3e06u/

  4. lucielucie Dec 03 2013 @ 16:00

    Wow - Lima beans are some kind of conspiracy?

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