The following folding story was brought to

  • The following folding story was brought to you by the letter "R" and the number 2.45987974534
  • Once upon a time... whoops, wrong story!! Gary turned around slowly, trying to hide his disbelief. There was just no way that this could be happening - not here in Lansing, not
  • here, not in Lansing... not Lansing... not here.. please... not here... not Lansing... dear God, Sweet Lord... not... not here.. please not here... please not Lansing... Gary
  • knew from his limited worldview that Lansing was Earth's epicenter. A flap of Lansing's wings could set off a tornado in Texas. Mother of God, right here in Lansing. Flying monkeys
  • encircled Lansing, egging him on. "Flap yo wings! Flap yo wings!" the flying monkeys chirped. Lansing flapped & a tornado formed, not in Texas, but in Lansing, Kansas, right over a
  • field near the state prison, where inmates Henri and Emile were working. Looking up, they saw the twisting, dark cone forming overhead. "Holy flying monkeys - it's a twister!"
  • Henri and Emile ran and got the ruby slippers they'd made in shop and kiestered them. The two lifer's were ready to go to Oz. The tornado touched down and they raised their hands
  • and were sucked out of jail.The tornado tore off Henri's & Emile's clothes but they were able to retrieve their kiestered ruby slippers & nakedly followed the yellow line on Rte. 8
  • towards Wilmington & freedom or so they thought. But the two sheisters shuffling down the centelane had counted their slippers without Glenda Wickers Northbound in her rig full of
  • shoes knowing that they would be arriving. When the sheisters got to Wilmington, they were alone. "Glenda?" one called. There was no answer, of course. Wilmington was gone.


  1. lucielucie Oct 03 2014 @ 00:17

    We start in Lansing & end up in Wilmington. I travel the world from my sofa on foldingstory!

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