Mrs. W found him on the steps of her porch.

  • Mrs. W found him on the steps of her porch. He said his name was Henry and he had nowhere to stay. Mrs. W said he could stay in the 3rd floor of her house, but she didn't tell her
  • Aunt Bertie who was the Madame of a brothel she ran on the 2nd floor of her House. The 4th floor was occupied by Mr Tibnus and his cats, the 5th floor was occupied by the O'Malley
  • wins Herbert & Herbert. The 6th floor was occupied by decrepit Mr. Nester who hadn't paid his rent in several months. The 7th floor tennant had moved out due to the smell. The 8th
  • floor tenant had rented out floors 9 & 10 and demolished them to make room for an End of the World Celebration. But the party-goers were put off by Mr. Nester's odor from the 6th
  • dimension. During the demolishing works in fact, a careless worker had opened a portal to Mr. Nester's bedroom in the YX22 universe. Everyone could have been saved, but the putrid
  • smell emanating from this intergalactic neighbor's bedroom was like a marathon runner's socks that had been washed in roquefort cheese and left in Jabba the Hutt's lunchbox for 2
  • minutes. He was going to complain but the bunk-keeper smelled worse. He had just managed to pay for his lodgings without throwing up. Still, it was cheap way to get from point a to
  • point b. Point a being the airport, point b being the airport as well. He hadn't mastered this broadening himself by seeing the world. He hated abroad. Johnny Foreigner was bloody
  • well right. He was bloody well right to say. So Johnny Foreigner stopped listening to other people, completely. This made his wife
  • rather impertinent, but he wiggled his moustache, stabbed her in the cerebral temple with a screwdriver, then returned to his sandwich. "I'm having roast beef," he insisted.


  1. PurpleProf Jun 07 2013 @ 23:18

    Funny how so many of our stories are rooted in absolute truth. In my town, there was indeed a "Mrs W" who, unbeknownst to her much older husband, kept a man named Henry hidden on the third floor of her large home. They had a little something going on for years and her husband never knew. Oh, and before anyone asks, he was not an inflatable man.

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