Many rebelled when they read his manifestos,

  • Many rebelled when they read his manifestos, unwilling to consider the truth they contained. But some realized the activist was right, especially those who ate their own shorts.
  • Yes, the Declaration of Shame was perhaps the most infuential manifesto of the twenty first century, and the Linen Eating Lions were the activist group that would supposedly
  • make waste of our collective bedsheets, rendering the world a minor fraction more of discomfort in the night as guilt pounded within on our heads. The Shamemaker beeped and booped
  • and sparked and fizzled, then shook itself apart with the huge bass drop and wub-wubs that could only come from a bad dubstep song. Our guilty bedsheets were ruined by the digital
  • ejaculation they were depicting while frozen. Instead of a wet spot our sheets had a hot spot that you didn't need a UV light to see. The situation called for some wah wah guitar.
  • Instead we got a "wah wah" brass instrument--I don't remember the name. It doesn't sound exactly like a trumpet or tuba or saxomaphone, but I'm no music teacher. I don't even drink
  • lemonade in case the sugar rots my teeth. So let’s say I live life far from the edge, except when it comes to
  • Kool-Aid. Embellish the mundane. In my ‘frig, kids discover Blue Lemonade Jungle Juice, Kool-Aid Vodka Slush, and Ruby Tuesday Killer Kool-Aid. It’s no wonder I’m so popular.
  • Moms love them, too. And now we offer Capri Splash Tequila Grape Sunrise in handy packets that you can just toss to the kids in the back seat, whenever they act up, while you enjoy
  • our new line of snortable cannibis, Capri Canna-Snorts in various strains to calm what ails you. It makes the traffic leaving soccer practice seem like a tenable proposition. ~FIN~


  1. dookierouser May 24 2021 @ 12:36

    Outcomes may vary.

  2. dookierouser May 24 2021 @ 12:37

    They don't have to. But they may if they want.

  3. Woab May 27 2021 @ 11:41

    If varying wouldn't be too much trouble for them. Particularly after Capri Canna-Snorts.

  4. dookierouser May 31 2021 @ 19:14

    Snortable cannabis is a real thing. Bing Canna-Bumps.

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