"You're a wealthy man now, aren't you Nate?"

  • "You're a wealthy man now, aren't you Nate?" Asked Sheila, "What do you do with all your money?". Nate said, "Carrots."
  • She tried coaxing a little more out of Nate with a veritable carrot on a stick. "Nate, if you tell me more about your carrot plans I'll dye my hair red." But Nate the very eligible
  • sadly declined. "Nay Shiela, I shall not share my carrot plans with you. However appealing the thought of you with red hair." Announced Nate. "The reason is, Shiela, that my carrot
  • is bigger than yours, isn't because of red hair at all. It is, in fact, actually due to... Well, I can't very well tell you that, now, can I?" She picked up the carrot with her
  • Red lacquered fingernails and took a dainty bite off the tip. He watched her cherry red lips wrap around the end of the carrot again and wondered how it would feel
  • to be the carrot. Most sensual of all root vegetables. Many a salad was left uneaten after a simple carrot washing resulted in groans and broken dishes on the floor. He watched her
  • as he was watched as a little boy by a clown who claimed to be his friend. Like all sad stories this one turned for the worst as he grabbed the girl's
  • arm, pulling her to his chest. She could just smell the garlic, the toxic smell of sweat and the dank dampness of it all. She was uncomfortable, but yet too scared to pull away.
  • Finally she realized a way to escape the strange hold he had on her. "Excuse me for just a second," she smiled apologetically, "Stomach trouble." "I've had a touch of diarrhea."
  • It worked like a charm! He mumbled something about a Cleveland Steamer before bolting out of the room. "I've got my good friend, MoralEnd, to thank for that one!" she sighed.


  1. PurpleProf Mar 22 2015 @ 20:26

    Well, it started off well and ended up crap.

  2. SlimWhitman Mar 22 2015 @ 20:38

    No kidding... Have some more carrot dip?

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