As I drove across the border in my truck

  • As I drove across the border in my truck I secretly was snuggling soft animal toys. If I was caught with my teddy bear, stuffed pony and soft squeaky rabbit toys
  • the CanadianLoony gang would never let me finish my initiation. I watched the hockey, ate those maple candies, went to all of the strip clubs in Whistler, but I couldnt let them kn
  • ow that I was just voted by the conclave to be the new Pope. No one in the CanadianLoony gang would find a Canadian pope possible, and mainly because I never wear any
  • big hats eh. The conclave must of enjoyed my donuts. My first order of business as Pope will be to change mass so all Catholics have to pray for a Canucks Championship season.
  • It should be easy to make this change Benedict basically lead the way for this to be a dictatorship and I was game to follow his lead. The only thing I found questionable was
  • his strange penchance for humming Michael Jackson songs while contemplating his next move to become dictator.When I pointed this out to Benedict, he glared at me & flicked his
  • collar up so it was "popped". Benedict looked right at me and said "Showin' how funky and strong is your fight, It doesn't matter who's wrong or right, Just beat it." He executed
  • his last wine bottle corkscrewer, so the blood of Christ was safe from Ratzinger's vampiricism for now. Pope Francis didn't fit in at the Pope Fraternity, Gamma Omicron Delta. Bros
  • , the 80s British pop band, were unlikely members, and Luke Goss was for a time leader. He introduced a camp dance routine to the initiation ceremony, which also included a strange
  • incident of pantomime goose dame molestation. This was the schlock typical of 80s pre-post-modernist hipster counter-culture. Irony is a cliche now. THAT'S irony.


  1. inatick May 31 2013 @ 23:00

    My fourth story I started is complete. The beginning is inspired by the game Snuggle Truck which was meant to be called smuggle truck but Apple rejected it. Instead of being about smuggling Mexicans across the boarder they changed the characters to cute cuddly toys and renamed the game.

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