The gemanon orange and the smart toaster

  • The gemanon orange and the smart toaster knew each other better than the humans could. Humans thought they would branch out into the cosmos, but it would be fruit and appliances
  • graveyard for the likes of you soul-bare bozos. After humans came something much more charming.
  • Humanoids appeared some 2-1/2 years later, apologising for their lateness. The food trains were delayed so long that 3,585,185 starved to death. Many more survived, albeit barely.
  • The food crisis was resolved after everyone resorted to eating the slugs at the bottom of the rocks, which to their great surprise, tasted like chicken. They were becoming French!
  • "ohn hon nohn, we are becoming ze french" Perry yelled. "zat is ridcoolus" Jean answered. "Oui, oui, baguette" Pierre said. "Is zat a challenge? And why is your name Pierre now?"
  • "Cherchez la femme," replied Pierre and lo, Lolita was lolling close by, smoking a Gauloise and pretending to have nothing to do with Pierre and Jean, who slithered toward her as
  • their long slithery phantom fingers were out stretched to search her, Lolita barely lifted a finger. In fact she lifted it only high enough to magically flick Pierre, Lo & Jean acr
  • oss the universe. Her fingers had the magic touch. They could initiate interstellar travel with a single flick. With no one hounding her anymore, she decided to take up a new hobby
  • playing the piano. With every touch of a key, a new portal opened up, leading her to different places with every note. The whole universe was filled with a beautiful melody
  • , lifting her out of the reality she despised. She suddenly crescendoed, exiting poco un poco, but with forte abandon. This was her opus. Her fingers crashed on the final chord.


  1. Woab Dec 21 2016 @ 13:36

    How very French this became.

  2. PurpleProf Dec 21 2016 @ 20:18


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