The shivering young lady wept over the lifeless

  • The shivering young lady wept over the lifeless body of her baby son. She leaned down and kissed his cold forehead saying goodbye to him, he no longer would be living on earth.
  • As she said good bye, she saw a person. In that persons arms was a baby. SHe looked down at the deceased infant and screamed
  • because it was still moving. The baby zombie (Bombie) bared it's fangs for her breast, but it didn't want milk. She drop-kicked the bundle of hate into an oncoming garbage truck
  • and watched the garbage truck drive away with her baby zombie. The squinted away the tears and felt them running down the back of her throat. She heard it cry and motherly instinct
  • shook her from her mother fantasy. Zombies don't have babies! But they do care. So she let out with an ultra-sonic cry that stopped the garbage truck (Zombies can do anything)
  • and lept into the back and rescue the baby. It was wrapped in some blankets and a bit blue in the face. Zombie mom tucked it into a fold of her tattered clothes and jumped out.
  • Zombie mom raised the young tot into a respectable young man who had good manners and an appetite for knowledge. She couldn't account for his uncanny ability to
  • sniff out the savants and members of mensa. Those smart brains were especially tasty and they often discoursed literature and math over the tasty brain of a departed physics prof.
  • "I must say your elucidation on the current string theory has some merit. Do have a piece of my mind." The zombie handed a portion to his dinner guest. "Hippocampus! splendid!"
  • Aha, that meant seahorse and I always loved seahorses. This one though was too peppery and stringy for my taste so I declined and asked for some other part of the brain instead.


  1. SlimsBro Aug 25 2011 @ 01:26

    Nom, nom, nom, nom.

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