Early morning chinatown: The head of Restaurant-owner

  • Early morning chinatown: The head of Restaurant-owner Feng Ruilang found in a food display case of The Golden Dugong Restaurant, a case for Detective Jason Manatee
  • to adorably solve. Sitting in his ill-lit aquarium-office, trying fruitlessly to light his cigarette, Detective Jason Manatee searched through his records for recent reports of
  • anything positive about his folds on Foldingstory.com. He'd started late so he was behind on points. Det. Manatee prided himself on painting morbid disgusting pictures out
  • -shining Encyclopedia Brown's pansy folds. Their bitter detective rivalry manifested itself in many ways. When Brown bought a magnifying glass, Det. Manatee bought a sleuthier one.
  • When Det. Manatee bought a cool overcoat, Encyclopedia Brown... had his mother make him a warm woolen sweater. The rivalry wasn't quite even, but even so, they
  • pulled out their Magic The Gathering decks. He bluntly said "So you think your nice and warm woolen overcoat is nice eh? How would it stand against my
  • Nike Elite jogging bra? It was obviously clear who won the clothing battle as this now laid the surprise as the big card "Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker" was played.
  • She tugged a bit at a strap and sighed. "Seriously? Is it really worth trying? I mean, look at yourself!" She gazed into the mirror, which gazed back. Jogging bra. What was she
  • thinking? Her training regimen would require more support. She grabbed some duct tape and wrapped it tightly around her torso five times. "There, ready for jogging." And out she
  • jogged, straight into an oncoming bus. Miraculously, the duct tape kept all her internal organs from becoming external and she only broke her neck. Some people have all the luck.


  1. SlimWhitman Sep 25 2011 @ 11:47

    Hmm... I'd say this case remains unsolved. Who killed Feng Ruilang? Let's find out... http://foldingstory.com/kqq33/

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