A wave of sadness overcame me. I knew it.

  • A wave of sadness overcame me. I knew it. It was over. What once was, had died, withered away into nothing. I didn't even have the power to conjure up tears, all I could do was

  • ride that wave of sadness. My surfboard would be loneliness and I would hang a morbid ten on that wave of sadness. My inner pain was like a frozen burned out forest with just one

  • emaciated deer of hope, starving as it desperately wanders the wasteland of my soul in search for something, anything to live on, a futile search it knows, but unable to give up

  • and die quietly. Wild animals never did - they kept fighting and searching and moving until the last breath left them. How did we humans lose those core survival instincts?

  • It was a sad thing to contemplate, really...the slowly swirling downward trajectory of mankind's ability to give two f*cks about anything other than a Double Quarter Pounder with C

  • -holesterol cleverly extruded into a small rubbery sheet of orange substance. But mankind had been carefully trained to crave it, and would pay the exorbitant prices just to

  • smother it on nachos, burritos, and chili fries. Some, no doubt, swam and had sex in it. The Cheesemasters were seeing the fruition of their plan to cover the Universe in Cheese.

  • Human cheese could be bought on the black market, and was high in price due to the difficulty in sourcing the breast milk. Counterfeit human cheese made from Similac emerged from

  • China which was advertised on Tiktok and illicit synthetics also were pumped into the market from Naples. People unknowingly were served Human cheese in burgers and cheesecakes

  • To this day, there is actually still a market for H. cheese, and people have been debating on its superiority.



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