Why are you here on this planet? At first

  • Why are you here on this planet? At first I'm stunned. What do you mean why I'm here. I'm here because my parents got married. I don't really know whether they planned to have a ba
  • noffee pie the night I was born or if it was just an impulse purchase. In the end the pie was forgotten about when I turned up as a screaming bundle of joy. The sleepless nights
  • , the endless days... Oh, how my parents loved my incessant screaming. Did I mention that my dad is Edvard Munch? Perhaps you've heard of him. He painted a picture of me
  • and it was displayed in the kings bathroom. My perants made my face pure royalty, but I destroyed the pureness with my stupid adolescent mind set. I have done many irresponsible
  • deeds in my time. Once, on a night out, I was got extremely drunk and I smoked a bit to much crack. I took some heroin and meth, and then fucked the principle of my school.
  • My class mates were disgusted by my actions, but the principals penis was pretty big, and he did pay me for it. Later on, I spent the wad of money he gave me on a packet of
  • self-help pamphlets, and a nice lunch. It seemed my world view had gotten pretty twisted somewhere along the way. I broke down halfway through 'Coping and Communicating' and looked
  • to see that my father had built a replica of Scrooge McDucks money pool. I had no idea his collection of hippo pubic hair would trade for so much bullion. "COME HAVE A JUMP IN!" he
  • rmits shouted. The hermits had come down from the mountain to scourge Scrooge McDuck. Although the hermits were wise, Scrooge was ready for them. He had mercenaries.
  • Hermits? They don't got mercenaries. They can't even work together. They've got, like, pointed sticks & rocks. Scrooge has his own microbrewery. Yeah, those hermits got duck raped.


  1. PurpleProf Apr 12 2013 @ 23:38


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