The day started the same as many. Up at 6am,

  • The day started the same as many. Up at 6am, empty the dishwasher, make a triple Americano and a latte then get the bigger boy out the door - forcing him to at least eat something.

  • Now it was time to wake the smaller boy, the midget,clowns, the two emus & the bengals, the elephants & the pygmy ponies (The monkies woke themselves ) & get the whole caravan on

  • on its way. The gypsy clowns were playing with the radio. Lalalala lalalaa. The caravan was painted red and white

  • with little tints of black, while it drove by. The Lalalala lalalaa's that we were hearing from those grypsy clowns sent me into a panic attack, I know IT had returned.

  • "Hi. I am Bozo", one greeted me.

  • "Welcome to the 'Clown Without Borders' Your tent is over there and you can inflate your balloon animals at the helium tanks." A tear ran down my grease paint. "Thanks, Bozo."

  • We were a polyglot of political leaders, getting ready for nationwide elections. The stench of manure permeated all- it was the only item we had in abundance. We delivered moving

  • speeches, at least according to our mothers, but people seemed intent on evil. The manure had been collected during thousands of meetings during which i

  • -njury had far surpassed insult as far as the assault on our noses was concerned. The manure was piled into a silo that had mysteriously appeared overnight in the rose garden.

  • But with masks on we piled the rose garden with the offending man manure and grew the most beautiful magic roses. They beckoned us to nirvana. I inhaled and was no more.



  1. Rebbie Mar 22 2017 @ 19:50

    Wow! I can actually follow this strange story.

  2. Woab Mar 23 2017 @ 16:16

    Folding Story: Now with added coherence!

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