...and that's how it happened." He drew another

  • ...and that's how it happened." He drew another drag on his unfiltered and looked up into the detectives face. Manatee slammed the table. "Tell me how it began."
  • The little man across the table woke up with a start and said, "Oh! Well, you see, it started like this..." Then he drifted off to sleep again, angering the manatee greatly.
  • Manatee asked Jr. Det. Abalone to take over questioning the sleeply little man, while he inspected the apartment which was filled with shelves containing bones. He picked at one
  • of the pieces of leftover lunch in his teeth with what appeared to be a child's distal phalange. "Detective Manatee!", the crime scene team yelled. "You can't touch that, it's
  • coated your wife's blood!" Detective Manatee turned around upon hearing this, and he saw a familiar figure standing up on the balcony, looking directly back at him.
  • Det. Manatee lit a cigarette and said, "Ever sat in box seats before, cheapie?" The dark figure on the balcony lifted something metallic and said, "Ever sit in a pine box before
  • ?" The shot ploughed a trail through his gorgeous whiskers, & spun the cigarette from his mouth. Det. Manatee squeaked in anger & leapt into the audience in the stalls. The fleeing
  • Group of feral monsters vanished, escaping the odour police. The police chief was furious because he had not eaten dinner. He went to eat first, then responded. Manatee was furious
  • that the police chief had not brung him a sandwich from the gift shop. "Cheif, we have to do something about those crooks, the odour police." The Police Chief, still licking his
  • mustard-laden mustache, grunted & farted, adding to the environmental malodorodity. "If ya can't beat 'em," the Chief replied, "Join 'em." BLLLLRRRRTTTT!!!


  1. PurpleProf Jan 07 2017 @ 13:05

    This story stinks.

  2. SlimWhitman Jan 07 2017 @ 18:33

    It starts with an "unfiltered" and so what do you expect?

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