Once upon a time, there was a little girl

  • Once upon a time, there was a little girl who ...
  • thought she was the professional paintball champion of the world. But then she woke up and realized that she was just an lame tuba player.
  • She had heard stories about the great Lightning Strike of 2012, and decided to pack up her tuba, and see if the stories were true. Once she got to MidgetTown, she realized no one
  • had in fact been struck by lightning.But,the midgets were absolutely terrified by the giant tuba player,and ran around screaming.Have never meant any harm,she tried to calm them by
  • dumping her entire stash of Quaaludes into the fruit punch bowl. The effect was not immediate, but after a short while, the entire senior prom was laid out in the bleachers singing
  • and puking, at the same time. Most of the students hadn't built up the tolerance to quaaludes that she had and she overestimated the proper dose dramatically. As the Paramedics
  • poked a finger in her ear. She wondered if they were even medically trained. Students yelled at her for being caught taking the drugs. Her collapse would out the use of quaaludes
  • be awesome because she made a face cream by crushing the 'ludes and mixing them with Greek yogurt. I don't mind her collapsing but her head pinned my puppy. My puppy was a cockapoo
  • . A Greek cockapoo named Esther. Esther yelped in pain and it was such a tragedy.Then my creamy-faced girlfriend nuzzled Esther's belly & made her squeal. What a comedy!
  • They sat on flowers of stone and looked at the wine dark sea and at the star of the waning summer who beyond all stars rises bathed in the ocean stream to glitter in brilliance.


  1. lucielucie Jul 02 2013 @ 12:52

    I outsourced the writing of my fold to Homer from 'star' onwards.

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