Always tease tease tease. Siempre - coqueteando

  • Always tease tease tease. Siempre - coqueteando y engañando. You're happy when I'm on my knees Me arrodilla y estás feliz. So what do you want? Really now. Should I
  • just calm down and have a cup of tea? Yes you should! You know that when you 'go bilingual' you'll have a funny turn and all this 'teasing' and 'kneeling' just gets you het up
  • before the bingo game and afternoon sing-a-long. The elderly residents of Shivel-up & Die retirement home suspected the afternoon tea was drugged to keep them from
  • getting tired during all of the bagging of various teas the retirement home orderlies had them doing. Grandpa Joe tea-bagged for 36 hours straight the other day until he passed out
  • from the crushing weight of 18000 tea bags. Grandpa Joe was having a ball making the hot drinks for the old folks home. He was a tea-bagging nut, the only wrinkle in the situation
  • was that Granpa Joe was steeped in inneundo. Fact was, once he started his tea-bagging, he found himself in hot water with Earl Grey, the nursing home director. Complaints arose
  • about eldritch noises coming from the Drying Room late at night when the Pekoe Detail were usually at the other end of the plantation. When they ran back to investigate they would
  • find Mr. Tea sitting there alone, sipping Oolong from a cup, his pinkie raised. "I pity the fool that over-steeps his leaves," Mr. Tea snarled as they approached. Clearly,
  • Mr. Coffee stood his grounds on the counter. He ignored Mr. Tea and Mr. Oolong while he threw mud out of his bottom into the sink. "Disgusting!", he said. Mr. Tea used the trash.
  • Mr. Oolong smoked and tipped the ashes on Mr Coffee's beans. Mr. Coffee roasted over this, expressoing his caffeine rage by teabagging them both and hanging them out to dry.


  1. lucielucie Aug 08 2016 @ 15:40

    THIS answers the question: 'Can there be too many tea puns in one story?'

  2. SlimWhitman Aug 08 2016 @ 15:46

    Okakura Kakuzō: "This story has too much tea."

  3. LordVacuity Dec 08 2016 @ 00:34

    Bingo leads to coffee murdering teas. But which?

  4. LordVacuity Dec 08 2016 @ 00:39

    Who got murdered?

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