so there is a reasonable explanation for

  • so there is a reasonable explanation for all of this: it wasn't my fault because it was DESTINY i tell you, DESTINY. it was fate that had me eat your pudding cup, FATE!
  • "Get your story straight" said Detective Manatee "Is it that Destiny ate the pudding cup or that Fate made YOU eat the pudding cup? But in either case you were faultless, right?"
  • Det. Manatee's interrogation methods won. Mystery Suspect was drooling:"You mean Trader Joe's Belgian Chocolate Pudding?" Manatee nodded & gave him a confession sheet: "But only if
  • you write your confession on this paper. Neatness counts!" Mystery Suspect snatched the confession sheet from Manatee's flippers and wrote furiously, eyeing the pudding, which was
  • quivering enticingly. It was coagulated blood from his last crime. Det. Manatee watched as the devious Mystery Suspect wrote a recipe for blood sausage on the confession sheet.
  • Det. Manatee had had the confession sheet treated by an Alchemist. If the Mystery Suspect had eaten the Marchessa, as we suspected he had, a royal tag in his blood would react with
  • some Voodoo mumbo jumbo the Alchemist was trying out. No reason he can't make a Philosopher's coin while he's searching for the Philosopher's Stone. Det. Manatee liked his view on
  • The makings of a new currency, and his sea monkeys disguised themselves as potential buyers. The alchemist was experimenting with letting robots do the dirty work. Unfortunately
  • an electronic heart has its needs and wants and crytocurrency would go a long way in oiling up some slippery slopes with the regulators in the bye and bye. Det. Manatee learned th
  • e foxtrot and how to hurdle the girdle with Myrtle, with and without a hoist, by the time the regulators where dragged out of the bye and bye covered in oil. All were convicted.


  1. SlimWhitman Jan 14 2018 @ 03:38

    Great finish seinundzeit, although maybe Det. Manatee resents that you wrote him in as needing a winch. Has he really nibbled on that much Trader Joe's Belgian Chocolate Pudding?

  2. lucielucie Jan 31 2018 @ 06:38

    Sequel... http://foldingstory.com/yvt0c/

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