He didn't much like opera, but frequented

  • He didn't much like opera, but frequented opera cafes to hit on the singing waitresses. He was addicted to the ecstatic involuntary songs they sang during orgasm
  • like this one time when a cute head-head began singing "The Hills Are Alive With the Sound of Music!" at the peak of euphoric climax. They got hitched in Las Vegas a week later and
  • a week after that got divorced. The double heads just were too much, although they did make the sex "interesting". But she was on her way up and did not want to be shackled with
  • anyone else's bad credit so she divorced the conjoined twins. The twins went into a total crisis in confidence. They started with plastic surgery for a giant breast
  • implant. They only had one breast together and they were outraged they couldn't make use of the 'Buy one, get one free' promotion. And so, the conjoined twins set up a foundation
  • near the beach so the could learn to swim together. On that foundation they would build a beach house designed just for conjoined twins: extra wide stairwells, built in love seats,
  • and double King-sized beds, just in case they were fortunate enough to hook up with another set of conjoined twins at the beach. The beach house would eventually become a resort
  • financed by the not-so-politically-correct ringmaster. The conjoined twins tried to double-date, but 3 were triplets. "Actually, we are from Siam," Stacy said. "Our dad is an Engli
  • sh muffin salesman who works all of Asia." "Oh, how interesting" nodded Ted, the third quadruplet from the left. "Maybe we can join you sometime on a trip?" Stacy asked "Did you ju
  • st invite us to England, home of the English muffin?" They got there & Sherlock Holmes told them there was nothing English about an English muffin. It's true, it's mythical bread!


  1. lucielucie Jul 24 2013 @ 16:28

    Apparently it's impossible to get a proper English muffin in England. FACT.

  2. Zetawilk Jul 25 2013 @ 00:30

    If you're going to run a "freak" show, I guess political correctness isn't much more than finding the kitsch synonym of the month, is it?

  3. 49erFaithful Jul 29 2013 @ 16:25

    Can you join conjoined twins?

  4. SlimWhitman Jul 29 2013 @ 18:13

    I dunno. But double dating conjoined twins being more than a threesome... Only on FoldingStory!

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