Darla stepped out of the time machine into

  • Darla stepped out of the time machine into a world that little resembled the one she left moments before. Where were the trees, and what was that awful odor? She'd have to try
  • using a stronger antiperspirant. No wait, it was something else. It smelled more like toe jam. She'd better invest in some odor-eaters for her flats. No wait, it smelled more like
  • hot tar applied directly to King Kong's balls. Woah she thought. Time to stop making soap out of human fat it just doesn't
  • work as well as grandma's traditional lavender scented glycerine soap. Although that was kind of spoiled for her, too, since her sister bought nitroglycerine by mistake
  • . She drew a bath, added scented beads, took off her robe, lit the candles and settled into a trashy romance. When she dropped the soap, the tub exploded and she crashed into the
  • apartment next door. A couple were in bed together and scrambled to cover themselves with sheets as she flew in. Seeing she was hurt badly, they went to help tend to her wounds.
  • Even then she knew that no medicine was going to repair her. The couple would be better going back to bed. That's when the entire ordeal started comin back to her. So many chickens
  • had been to visit them during her illness that she'd contracted Avian flu as well. They went to bed together and prepared to meet their maker. Then "Squawk, sqwawk," a hen threw
  • her back out laying one perfect pink egg...an Easter egg...our egg of redemption. Thank God for this egg, for it contained the cure for all that plagued us, including the avian flu
  • and eczema. But I must tell you this one thing: Several bunnies have gone to glory, a picture (I suppose) of the sacrifice and hope that is Easter.


  1. sundancer Mar 26 2013 @ 21:38

    this is absolutely hilarious!!! :-D

  2. jayursus Mar 27 2013 @ 19:01

    Moral of the story - never bathe.

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