She was listening to "Glee." It keeps her

  • She was listening to "Glee." It keeps her soul alive.

  • in a jar by her bedside. Her soul flickered like a plasma ball when she turned the TV to "Dancing with the Stars." Her mom said she should place it in a safer place but she didn't

  • hear. She was too busy rooting for Shmucky McUpstuck to nail the final dip. Shmucky did, and a boob popped out too. She jumped off the bed, breaking the jar and sending her soul

  • straight to the fiery pits of hell. Her feet hit the cold floor and it sent a burning sensation coursing through her veins. She needed to get out of there before she burst into

  • showtunes. She ran out to the balcony, gasping for breath and to clear her head, and saw the guys from her apartment complex doing synchronized swimming three stories below. She

  • decided that the best course of action was clearly to use her amazing abilities to follow their movements, but in the air, thus allowing her to escape from

  • The tiger cage in the kitchen. Boris The Tiger was her alter ego. Her mum fed Boris one day and got mauled. After that, she used a robot, Louie, to feed her pet Bengal tiger.

  • That Bengal tiger taught the robot, Louie, quite a lot about their human masters; tiger and robot alike. The first lesson was that the humans did not have a definite mating season.

  • "No mating season?" said the tiger, "then how do they know when to 'do it'?" "Oh, it's extremely complicated," replied Louie the robot, "let's spy on them and find out!" So the two

  • peered in expecting to see a male courting display instead it seemed to be triggered by the woman saying, "Awe you helped with the dishes." or ended with "I have a head ache."



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