Adam are a student who want to write a story.

  • Adam are a student who want to write a story.
  • (FYI, Adam has multiple personalities that are speaking as “we”.) Adam don't know he have multiple personalities so he write with improper subject –verb agreement. Sometimes he are
  • not even aware he are human. Fortunately another personality emerged and Adam was once again the dashing, handsome hero everyone preferred. "Thank goodness you've changed," his
  • wife said. She had always been worried about Adam's shifting personalities, but the last one was always the worst for her. That one barely recognized her, and she was always left t
  • hinking that if she had just not given Adam that apple from The Tree of Knowledge, none of this would be happening. But alas, Adam's schizophrenia was becoming more & more obvious.
  • Adam, now in 2016, wore his hat over his crotch as a sign of what he had done
  • back in 1986. Nobody knew why Adam thought it was funny to call his little dancing partner Joe. The hat swayed to and fro. The mostly middle-aged female crowd
  • Ate the baloney sandwiches offered the by the Black Horse Deli. They tasted dreadful but the audience was so bored that even Joe Isuzu would have found them moreor less appetizing.
  • A phoney black ghost horse was lowered to the stage by ropes and pulleys. "You have tasted of the bologna that once was my body and are now blessed!" The audience clutched at their
  • noses as the ghost reeked of ectoplasm. They were transcended into Bliss only to discover Bliss didn't like it much & filed claims of breaking an entering. They were all evicted.


  1. PurpleProf Oct 14 2016 @ 17:36

    Adam is plural for Ada.

  2. Rebbie Oct 14 2016 @ 17:48

    Ada Lovelace was the inventor of the military computer coding on which today's coding is still based. She is hailed as the first computer programmer. History lesson for today. You are all free to go out and play.... as soon as you eat your meat!

  3. SlimWhitman Oct 14 2016 @ 18:55


  4. SlimWhitman Oct 14 2016 @ 18:56

    ... and keep your hats on.

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