Once there was a girl who wanted so bad to

  • Once there was a girl who wanted so bad to become an amazing athlete that she did everything that she could to become great. One day she got the opportunity to go to a great camp..
  • but things are rarely as we expect them to be. She found herself uncomfortable, unsure. She second-guessed her decision to leave home, her family. Her friends. A lover named
  • Gandalf had told her about all of the problems she may face in life. She taught about him when she arrived in New York. The first thing she saw in New York was
  • A man dressed in an apple suit, she wondered why but remembered that gandalf said " A wizzard is never late to a party they always wears fancy dress"
  • But this man wasn't in fancy garb, he was in an apple suit. Doubting he was a wizard, she gathered her robe up in one had and moved quickly out of his view. Best not to be seen by
  • the likes of him. The apples were, after all, second class citizens in this grape-dominated society, but Little Red Delicious knew that one day a savior would come to the land of
  • The Produce Aisle and declare that all fruits should be treated as equals. Little Red Delicious knew the day apples would be respected would be near when the ghost of Steve Jobs
  • rose and told the world that Wozniak was the true genius behind Apple. Little Red Delicious decided it was time to move to a better aisle, and decided to try the frozen foods.
  • "Mmm," Little Red Delicious strolled down the frozen food aisle. "Forget Wozniak and the Apple, I'm going to buy some pizza, chicken fillets, ice cream, and
  • three of these chocolate Pepperidge Farm cakes & have me a good time all by myself!" Binge-eating was what Little Red Delicious did when she felt rotten to the core. Once home, she


  1. PurpleProf Oct 16 2015 @ 23:49

    DAMMIT!!! So sorry... Anyone want to guess what Little Red Delicious did when she got home?

  2. Gibber Oct 19 2015 @ 17:24

    brooded over her self esteem: farmers had hybridized red delicious apples for better sales. Size and color sold. Taste was irrelevant. Now red delicious apples were no longer delicious, just huge and really red. But Little Red Delicious was none of these. Little, pale red, and blandly flavored, she felt inferior to all other apple varieties, especially Pacific Rose, which are rather tasty. Wallowing in self-loathing, she unboxed the cakes and stacked them in a mini-pyramid. Then she clambered to the top and burrowed into the cool interior. Actually, pretend to binge-eat is what she did, for she had no mouth, and this is how Little Red Delicious maintained her figure. She did look good in a bikini. "Honey, I'm home." Oh, god, no! "What is this mountain of chocolate cake doing in the living room!?" "It's a science experiment!"

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