She awoke slowly aware that the room was

  • She awoke slowly aware that the room was so black, the silence so complete it had weight and seemed to be suffocating
  • even her eyelids, which had over the course of the night become crusty with the remnants of her tears. She groggily sat
  • on the porch and watched the pickup trucks drive wearily on. They didn't even stop anymore, the way they used to when
  • when cokes cost a dime and were really "cokes" and gum was a penny and all the kids would just drive up and down the
  • block playing their "rock and roll" music. Those were the good old days, back before "IT" happened. You can't even say
  • Kevin Bacon or Chuck Berry were to blame. Theory has it, it was
  • it was six degrees to one half dozen of the
  • loaves of bread that spilled on the street.
  • They washed away to never be seen again.
  • Poor, poor Sampson. All that hair, and not enough breathmints to save us from the garlic...


  1. sundancer Nov 24 2010 @ 01:27

    This is one of my favorites!

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