When you have special powers beyond what

  • When you have special powers beyond what the mind can conceive, you think you're invincible, but actually you're not. Everyone has a weakness, an Achilles heel. Mine was
  • grumpy sourpuss. I'd been flying around, rescuing civilians from danger, but all I want from them is a smile. Seriously, everyone looks like a slapped ass today. I can't save them
  • if they're going to reject my super kindness. There was only one solution. I would rescue people and if they didn't smile I would drop them into an active volcano. The first guy
  • smiled when I rescued him. The 2nd, 3rd, 2004th person all smiled after rescuing. This was not going to plan. I wanted to drop someone in a volcano. But I was trapped by my own
  • volcano. Stupid Teva sandals. I tripped. Fell down inside the volcano while I was reading the Zima label. What kind of rescuer am I if in my unmatched sloppiness I have
  • forgotten that the most important part of rescuing is self-preservation? I activated my "Help, I've fallen in a volcano and can't get up" button. A little role-reversal never hurt
  • in the bedroom during role play as long as each person is aware of the safety word. When I pushed the button an elite combat team
  • popped out the closet, guns drawn & pointed at me."What's the safety word?" they demanded. It was a test. Pushing everyone else aside,I sat up in my bed & replied, "Turgid Stoat."
  • They sodomized an angel. "Ooh" I cringed "Oops". "What is the safety word?" they repeated. Now I was sweating. "Uhhhmmm" What the hell was it?! "Erect broccoli?"
  • "Floccinaucinihilipilification?" The sodomizing continued, and, if anything, picked up speed. The angel looked bored - apparently hazing was prevalent in the Hoste. "Argh!"


  1. Zetawilk Feb 16 2013 @ 00:31

    Is a safeword for when you want them to stop, or continue? I keep forgetting.

  2. inatick Feb 16 2013 @ 04:43

    It wouldn't really be a safeword if you said it and they kept going otherwise they'd probably call it a dead man's switch.

  3. Zetawilk Feb 16 2013 @ 10:14

    See, I was reading it as "SAFE to keep going". It's (almost) /always/ safe to /stop/.

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