The little boy was scared. Not knowing why,

  • The little boy was scared. Not knowing why, he continued to walk into the forest, hoping something would surface and wipe away his fears. Before he know it, he was lost in the and

  • had lost his sense of direction. He looked around and his fear rose while at the same time his heart sank. "Hello?" "Anybody?" "HELP!" He began to run and just as he was about

  • to reach for the gun, the simulation stopped. He sat up in the chair while doctors closely monitored him. He remembered it was a test. The nurse's head exploded, resuming the chaos

  • in the lab. Kyle realised he'd been admiring the fit of the nurse's uniform and shut his eyes. The doctor called his name. 'Kyle. Kyle? Kyle, honey, it's okay. You're just dreaming

  • about your girlfriend." Kyle sat up and looked around the room. He realized that she was not around and

  • took that lucrative moment to rip ass as loud as he could. His mom always told him to aim big, so he gave his best shot at breaking the sound barrier. No dice. "Need a towel?"

  • asked the Priest. He was naked except for the towel, he'd just come from the steam room. "No thanks Padre." And then he got up. He felt his pants sag in the back and that's when

  • he realized he overfilled his depends again. Then it struck him "I need an alarm on my depends to warm me when it was close to full. I could make a fortune." I'll call it the

  • "Piece of Shit That Doesn't Work" - an apt name for it, considering that it was a, well, you know.

  • Know whatahmean, know whatahmean, nudge nudge, know whatahmean, say no more? A nod's as good as a wink to a blind bat! Snap snap, grin grin, wink wink, nudge nudge, say no more?



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