"Où est la carotte?" she said. "Ah! Ici

  • "Où est la carotte?" she said. "Ah! Ici la carotte!" he replied. "Où est le banane?" he asked. "Ah! Ici le banane!" she responded. "Où est la courgette?" "Ah! Ici la courgette!"
  • "ROOOWWWL!!" he roared. She looked at him blankly. "I said 'zucchini,' not cougar." Their little game of French language foreplay ended. He handed her his largest zucchini & sighed
  • . Once again she had flirted him out of his best produce at half the price. At this rate, he wouldn't be able to pay for his organic certification. She sashayed to the banana booth
  • idiot, his name was Hugh. He'd been working the banana booth for a month now and had managed to upset everyone in the market. But when she walked over to him swinging her hips
  • , with an armload of fresh coconuts, he was transfixed. She had no money on her, so she asked if he'd consider a trade: some of her coconuts in exchange for a bunch of his nanners?
  • "No Deal" he said, crossing his forearms to make an X. "You do have a lovely bunch of coconuts, but coconuts, well, they're just not for me". "Well then" she exclaimed, disappoi
  • nts me you does!, you know you will dehydrate if you don't eat the lovely jubblies. First stage, your skin will turn all biscuity, it will crumb until you resemble a weetbix" she
  • sighed. We've been through this. I know. So just eat them. I cant, I just cant. Its been fourteen weeks of lovely jubblies, I cant do it anymore. But we must. Ok, but only if you
  • eat them first. And quickly. This earthworm was no Jubbly Eater. He preferred dirt. But the jubblies looked so lovely, so colorful, so bright and cheery, the first thing seen under
  • the sun that day, so he devoured the Jubblies with relish & a quiet belch. Thus endeth the story of how the Jubblies invaded the earth's environment & became all powerful.


  1. jefforama Jan 29 2014 @ 18:14

    RuffldFeathr -- HAHAHAHA!!

  2. ruffldFeathr Jan 30 2014 @ 00:36

    hahah, I'm glad he devoured the jubblies in the end

  3. lucielucie Jan 30 2014 @ 13:24

    A real commitment to innuendo in this story. Good job team.

  4. SlimWhitman Feb 05 2014 @ 18:01

    Yeah, nice work. You walked the fine line very finely.

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