By 2250, society stratified into social engineers,

  • By 2250, society stratified into social engineers, consumers, and drones. The drones cleaned toxic sites, kept the robots in order, and were corpsicles for interstellar shipping.
  • I was one of the few who slipped between the cracks. I was hiding in the mountains on Xen IV - running from the system for the better part of my life. My trials began in
  • earnest on my thirteenth birthday, when the cyberchutes plunged to the ground around my campsite, and they stole me away to a life of adventure and cold food.
  • We were strapped into gurneys and forced to turn dials and push buttons. Since we didn't understand their alien tongue, we weren't sure what we were doing. A green neon screen
  • above our gurneys flashed alien signs. After a while of clicking and turning dials I realized we were processing some sort of orders. One of this and one of that and then again and
  • then a giant alien screwed a red lightbulb into my nose. Wow did that hurt. Then they gathered around with metal tong connected to a wire and tried to pull out
  • in time but we all know that method of birth control is fatally flawed and so I was accidentally inseminated with the alien's seed. This was 8 months ago. My nose had healed but
  • my stomach had ballooned up disproportionately and it didin't look like a normal pregnancy at all. And then I noticed that there was something coming out of my rear end too.
  • The doctor performed a scat scan to assess the contents. "Hmm, three parts unborn alien, two parts thai food," he said. "Your body rejected both." Thai food? I didn't remember
  • ordering anything. Stupid alien and his infernal communicator! "Wait!", the docotr said, "One last scat scan...bobiddity bo boo dow dow DOW skibidity


  1. jaw2ek Nov 16 2011 @ 21:51

    Damn iPad! I was headin' for the big finish, too.

  2. SlimWhitman Nov 17 2011 @ 04:37

    Well finish it in the comments section, I don't mind!

  3. m80 Nov 17 2011 @ 15:08

    more points for the "scat" scan...more points for the "scat" scan...! :-)

  4. buddyboy4711 Nov 17 2011 @ 15:49

    hehe, why thank you! i think i'll donate those points to the Ryan Stiles Hoedown Avoidance Fund.

  5. SlimWhitman Nov 17 2011 @ 16:09

    I regret that I have but one like to give! haha. Hey Jaw, very funny twist to make the scat scanner sing scat. It was a slow fuse for me. Realized the twist while waiting for the bus.

  6. jaw2ek Nov 17 2011 @ 17:09

    That's why I decided to leave it as it is...no need to pad.

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