He stared at the credit card bill. "ANOTHER

  • He stared at the credit card bill. "ANOTHER pair?! Why did you need to buy another pair of slippers? GLASS slippers!" He stormed into the walk-in closet and she was
  • ready for him with a pair of nine-inch stilleto heels, one in each hand. Tony backed slowly out of the closet. still furious, but Grace broke into giggles at Tony's slippers --
  • a pair of platform glass bottomed heels with a goldfish in each heel. Grace dropped the stilettos & tottered to the waterbed in fits of laughter. Marrying a fellow shoe fettishist
  • was the biggest mistake of her life. At first it seemed like because they both had a shoe fettish, it was a match made in heaven. But nothing was further from the truth. They had t
  • -otally different tastes in shoes. She locked tongues with Birkenstocks, and he danced to the strobes of orthopedic light-ups. Fetishists are picky, let me tell you. Bargain bins
  • are okay for buying summery flip flops, but good luck finding a nice sturdy pair of six-inch heeled gogo boots to go with that rubber dress hanging in the back of your closet.
  • His shaggy eyebrows raised in disbelief. "How did you know about my rubber dress?" I turned around in disbelief. "Oh. Um, that's YOURS?" Tension made us all laugh.
  • Then the fingers started pointing. I thought it was aunt marge. Jim thought it was cousin bob. Jerry thought it was brother Jim. Bob thought it was sister susan. But really, deep
  • down inside of me, I had a feeling that it could have been me... I felt guilty but I couldn't tell why. Had I done it and forgotten? No that was impossible! Absurd! Nobody could
  • lose track of such significant events. Thus I (and each child) firmly believed myself innocent, while secretly jealous of the successful sneakiness of the other cake-eaters.


  1. PurpleProf Apr 27 2013 @ 12:14

    Hello to all of the FoldingStory newcomers!! Are you having fun yet?

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