But Bond never hesitated when it came to

  • But Bond never hesitated when it came to women. He kissed her deeply. She resisted. "We could go somewhere private." He smiled. She said, "You're my father James, I've been
  • meaning to tell you but I got so caught up in the moment..." Suddenly James woke up in a cold sweat. He realised he had to track down his long-lost daughter. Reaching for his
  • electronic nose,he sniffed her Barney doll,the one toy of his daughter he'd kept after losing the custody case with Ginger Platypus. His only unsolved case.The scent led Manatee to
  • to the rabbit hole. There, Sherlock found his daughter's pink bow in the grass. Manatee barked, and tried to dig his way down. Sherlock yelled:'ALICE!' down the rabbit hole, feelin
  • kinda iffy about the whole premise. Manatee knew to play to their strengths, & he booted Sherlock down ahead first. The effeminate scream sounded drug-addled in the rabbit hole, so
  • he cashed in his chips and decided not broom-handle another clown into a round of 5-6-pick-up-sticks as it would leave precious little time left to bake meringues for chaps no?
  • He was able to bake 32 meringues in one day. The chaps were so thankful, they built a statue to show their gratitude for the meringue baking, clown handling, chip cashing dude from
  • yonder, who succeeded in one fell swoop of a culinary feat to erase 3 excruciating years of Weight Watchers from their figures. So they erected a fat clown statue to 'honor' him,
  • sending out press releases proclaiming the 'Fattest Clown Statue On Earth' would soon open to the public. 'So fat,' it was said, 'That even the poured concrete had diabetes.' Sadly
  • , I was not invited to the unveiling. I, Big Bobo Butthead, the Fattest Clown on Earth, who was the inspiration for the statue. I, with my painted smile & stone cold heart.


  1. PurpleProf Feb 23 2016 @ 01:30


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