Jim and Angela had come to the realization

  • Jim and Angela had come to the realization that if they stayed healthy for another decade or so, they might live for centuries or more. How then to raise their little meat pies,
  • those little tasty morsels which would enable them to keep their energy levels suitably high. After a few experiments mostly based on trial and error, they discovered that
  • the experimental snack food was worse than they thought. It gave you boils on your head and slowly turned you into a pig. But it was too late! Snax 4 U had already shipped the box.
  • The box of snack was sent on its way. But when the recipient bit into their snack, their life would be changed forever... the slow transformation into a pig had begun.
  • I laughed and turned way from my victim. Soon the entire city will be pigs, all squealing and grunting and fat. Oh so fat and juicy. I'll be able eat like a king and sell the rest
  • of my red meat as i feast on this city of the other White meat. It will be a Swine dinner with my new fork and spoon...then suddenly
  • Swine City came alive with the squeals of the protesting citizenry. Doors of every sty swung open, troughs were knocked over as thousands rushed avenge their brethren on my plate.
  • The pigs had me hogtied, roasting over an open fire with an apple cooking in my mouth. If I was to devise any method to finally escape Swine City once and for all, this would be th
  • -e time for it, but alas, I was all ready stewing in my own juices and could not think straight. The pigs had set the table, and Porky was trying to say Grace, when I finally
  • found the words: "Um, please. Don't eat me. I still have so much of my life to live... I've never been in love, I want to go to college & truth be told, I'm kinda stringy." Porky


  1. PurpleProf Jul 20 2019 @ 19:10

    DANG IT! Someone finish this!

  2. Woab Jul 21 2019 @ 15:00

    ... stared stupidly at me for almost a minute before finally saying "Th-th-th-th-th-that's All, Folks!" and then all was darkness.

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