After a long day of cheerleading practice,

  • After a long day of cheerleading practice, I came home jumped on the couch and fell asleep. I remember having this really weird dream and it goes a little something like this...
  • i was at cheerleading practice and i went into a basket toss, but when i was coming back down i landed in a whole different state on a different cheerleading team. i was already
  • menstruating which was weird because I wasn't due to get my period for another three weeks. The cheerleading team did not seem to notice I was out of state. Panic over too
  • -tsie pop price hikes must have been haunting their thoughts. How did they not notice notice that the cornerstone of our Walloby Prep Pride Pyramid was missing? I had to snap them
  • them clean in half as I chomped on the flavorless and far too chewy chocolate within. Still, it got the jobs jobs done, I must say. After partaking of this lackluster sustenance,
  • I hoisted up my jeans and cleared the scene, still chewing. The chocolate had adhered to my palate and stayed there, no matter what I tried. I was so distracted with getting the
  • room back into pristine condition that I didn't bother to deal with the chocolate still stuck to the roof of my mouth, despite the fact that a quick glass of milk would have fixed
  • both situations - as long as one drank slowly from the Bright Plastic Cup, and tipped ones head upside down during the imbibing. The room was nearly pristine when I sneezed the mo
  • le out of my nose, which had (unbeknownst to me) somehow crawled up in there, probably when I wasn't looking. You might think the mole had nothing to do with this story, but
  • you're right, a mole has got nothing to do with this story. You have contravened Folding Story regulation 158b, and I state: "No mole introductions in the 9th fold". Look it up.


  1. lucielucie May 01 2013 @ 06:16

    Maybe I was too harsh. A mole could, plausibly, have crawled up her nose. Especially if worms had established themselves in the rotting chocolate.

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