Just as the clocks announced its toll, it

  • Just as the clocks announced its toll, it was as if I had announced my partaking in combat. The surrounding teens, clad in protective armor, darted at me with a sharpened javelin..
  • Dammit! I shouldn’t have fallen asleep reading The Hunger Games! I climbed a tree and surveyed my dreamscape teen adversaries: a skinny guy with really bad acne smoking weed,
  • an obvious douchebag wearing karate robes and a sneer, and some creep with a hood, a mask, and a pretty big knife. It was a nightmare, but once I realized I was dreaming
  • I turned myself into Godzilla and destroyed the puny humans. (What, what's wrong with a lucid dream?) So i moved on to Tokyo and
  • Mothra and Kingkong had already turned it to rubble. Neal & Patricia were already having lucid dream about Tokyo - so I lucidly shifted my Godzilla dream to New York.
  • However when Godzilla arrived to New York he was mugged three times by 6 year old's, trampled in the Puerto Rican Pride parade and "wilded" on by a pack of
  • midwestern tourists getting their first taste of crossing against the light and showing the finger to the jaded taxi drivers. Godzilla shook them off and headed toward MTV studios,
  • to record a video with shock rockers Slipknot. Godzilla had to wear a mask to join the band, and ended up wearing a Godzilla mask. How they all laughed! After the shoot they went
  • out for banana daiquiris...LOTS of them. Whoopsies! Godzilla slipped on a banana peel and Slipnot fell off their barstools, rolling on the floor with glee. After getting kicked out
  • of Applebee's for classing up the joint, they all rounded off to the nearest Lemon Demon audition looking like the cast of the latest Brazzer's advert on Google.gov.


  1. PurpleProf May 31 2013 @ 20:04

    Good that you are finishing up all these stories, GB...:)

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