There once was a boy named Romario, he liked

  • There once was a boy named Romario, he liked to play soccer. One day he was outside playing in his front yard and all of a sudden
  • he forgot how to kick the ball.
  • So, he decided to practice, practice, and practice some more. Finally, not only was he able to kick the ball, but he was able to bounce the ball off his head. He could also
  • successfully mate with a panda. This was due to a rare gene he carried as a result of his very adventurous grandmother and her frequent trips to china. The Chinese authorities
  • decided to have a BBQ to welcome the international commission on commissions. They cut up fresh fruit, put sugar into water, made platters of BBQ meat. Someone yelled, "The Panda!"
  • "Now that's something I haven't tried," said one party-goer before taking a bite. "Hm, interesting ... Tastes a little like chicken, but tougher. Must be the bamboo diet."
  • They'd just tucked in some tibetan blue bear bile and candied tiger penis and where snorting rhino horn dust, when the wildlife and game police raid began. Harly hid in an elephant
  • carcass but no room was left for the other poachers who then tried to escape, but they were cuffed and taken away. Harly crawled out of the elephant, chewing on some tiger penis,
  • which peeved the tiger beyond belief; it roared, twisted, and jumped until its penis popped out of Harly's mouth. The game warden snatched him up and placed him next to the other
  • wild animal. Tyger, Tyger, burning bright, in the forests of the night... What immoral hand or eye, could frame thy fearful symmetry? The tiger arched its back &...pounced!


  1. mensaque Jul 24 2015 @ 19:19

    Leave it to PurpleProf to turn zoophilia into poetry,lol!Loved the ending Jayne!

  2. PurpleProf Jul 24 2015 @ 19:50

    Thank you, friend!

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