This prison was on the borders of four different

  • This prison was on the borders of four different dimensions. The great bronze walls around the metal chasm had huge pipes tangled all about them. In my tiny cube-cell, I waited.
  • I don't know how long I had been there, months? years? Being stuck in an interdimensional prison had strange effects over my mental health and general wellbeing. I kept fit by
  • focusing all my energy into my left pinky. Being in a multi-dimensional prison, time had no meaning. WIth constant practice, my pinky achieved peak performance. I was able to
  • extract plasma from my nail and fire it directly at the electro bars that held me in the small, confined room. the bars shorted, my escape route now shown. Nursing a finger pain I
  • would never forget, I made my way out into the strange, blue hall. I couldn't read the alien language, but a green sign pointed to the right and a bright red one to the left.
  • Being colour blind, I couldn't tell the difference so climbed up the ladder out of the blue hall and straight into a madium sized mall. Good job too as me slacks were tight due to
  • a mix up when I was doing my washing. I shouldn't have put my slacks in the washing machine they were hand wash only. My whites were also turned into a horrible grey. If only I had
  • bought that new laundry soap I saw Marie Osmond advertise just the other day. "Fifty Shades of Grey Laundy Detergent," Marie quipped, "will whip your laundry into submission!" I ha
  • -ha-hawed so loud that my software programming husband said, "What the Hell is so funny?" He asked in a mean nasty way because he thought I was laughing at him. I slapped my knee
  • and my leg kicked him in the shin by reflex. He fell down in pain, and then I started laughing at him. After apologizing until blue in the face, I couldn't remember what it was.


  1. KieferSkunk Feb 23 2013 @ 23:56

    Wow. Good job on this one, guys. :) One of the most continuous FoldingStories I've read in some time.

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