He slowly took off his wig and then even

  • He slowly took off his wig and then even more slowly, his false eyelashes. Gosh it hurt so he tried yanking it off and then he started screaming cos his original eyelashes came off
  • blood poured into his eyes. Cross dressing sucked. It wasn't fabulous like everyone thought. You had to be outwardly grand, but inside, your body ached from contortion. He wished
  • the masses were smart enough to realize that he neither looked nor felt fabulous. After transvestism, he didn't understand why WOMEN wore women's clothing. And the shoes SUCKED.
  • Experimenting with his .. or her . Gender had been a failure. Being a Women wasn't easy
  • as he was now pregnant. "You'll be giving birth via your penis," said the midwife. "Are you sure?" he replied. "Don't worry, we'll patch you up after. You don't hear women complain
  • when they're sleeping or when they have their mouths full, do you?" At this point he knew what had to be done. He got up and dove head first into a pile of freshly raked leaves.
  • under the leaves, little to his expectation, was some very sharp sticks. "poor child" says death as he removes his lifeless body from the pile of leaves
  • . Death was getting too old for this, with aeons more to look forward to. Death by accident, by ignorance, by age, by anger, by calculation. Death raised the little boy to heaven,
  • to lay him next to the pearly gates. But a loud voice shouted, "NOT YET! Return this little boy to his parents IMMEDIATELY!" Death protested, "But they've already had the funeral!"
  • "You can sort it out." "Alright, alright. But this isn't very funny." "Well then wrap him in a sheet & have him act like a ghost." "Eh. Say something funny, kid." "I have to pee."


  1. SlimWhitman Dec 01 2014 @ 20:04

    a ghost who peed in his own sheets?

  2. Servant Dec 01 2014 @ 21:29

    holy sheet !

  3. Gibber Dec 01 2014 @ 22:46

    The potential is there. I should have had the kid say, "I am peeing." or maybe "boobies." or "then they all died."

  4. lucielucie Dec 02 2014 @ 08:41

    'boobies' wins hands down. Actually there isn't any contest.

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