Friar Tuck opened the closet and saw Robin

  • Friar Tuck opened the closet and saw Robin Hood. Robin froze. He had piles of gold all around him. "Tuck! Great...uh, I was counting the gold that I was about to give to the poor
  • little Indians, going out to dine. One went and choked himself, and then there were nine.
  • Nine drunk little Indians, a thug they all berate. He knifed the closest one, and then there were eight.
  • The next one fall, wasn't much of a crime, when ol'chief Wiggum slautered mister McTall. Mr. McTall was loved by seldom after he murdered his wife during the middle of Fall
  • out training because while in the bunker Mrs. McTall had eaten the only can of spambaby. The spambaby was gestating nicely in Mrs. McTall so ol'chief Wiggum made her a comcubine
  • since she was expecting. Like all pregnant women, Mrs. McTall had a certain glow about her. The spambaby fetus was apparently healthy & Chief Wiggum was pleased, that is until
  • Mrs McTall went into labour. Spambaby was breach and in a can. Forceps were useless. She, with Chief Wiggum were airlifted to CERN. the powerful magnets would ensure a safe deliver
  • y thanks to all the inedible, magnetic by-products in spam. But the contractions were too much. Mrs. McTall tried to push, & Spambaby's head squished off! Chief Wiggum was grossed
  • by the view, but he tried not to pass out. And he succeeded... for a while. When he woke up, the first thing he heard was the baby's cry. But wait... this wasn't all.
  • His skin crawled as he recognized his dead mother-in-law's screams within the cries of the baby.Oh my God. Could it be? NO! Yes,she was back.His own scream drowned them both out.


  1. Zetawilk Jun 21 2014 @ 21:19

    Definitely one of our creepier endings.

  2. jefforama Jun 21 2014 @ 21:24

    You have NO idea, GreenBanana.

  3. SlimWhitman Jun 22 2014 @ 04:34

    Still, it's nice to have a spambaby story again.

  4. lucielucie Jun 22 2014 @ 12:24

    So that's how spambaby is only head.

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