The suborbital shock was a lot to take. Totally

  • The suborbital shock was a lot to take. Totally fogged up the Opticals. An Anders Marine had told me we only had five more increments before unleashing the Blood Hydras, so
  • I rubbed my sleeve over my goggles, as I was taught, and got ready to pull the switch. Unfortunately, the next bump caused me to yank on the thing, 4 increments early. Down went
  • the whole contraption, stalling as it hovered over the rainforest canopy. My airship would soon be ripped to shreds. I chewed on my handlebar as I prepared for the crash landing.
  • Peddling my wares to various Congo forest pygmys, I knew my airship had crashed in the territory of the reclusive Sua aka Kango aka Mbuti tribe. They revered me as Negoogunogumbar
  • rista, dispensing bittersweet liquor from plastic bottles, and dispensing custard creams like precious golden nuggets. After a week atop the throne of God'ssons, the chief
  • executive officer, e.e. cummings, abruptly resigned, citing "family reasons". in fact, he just wanted time to write poetry in silence. the fjords of norway were scenic and majestic
  • up fjord down water kraken aaargh! pine snow sky moon. kraken up so floating abysmal deep down. sleep kraken sleep and if by yes roar kraken roar and die
  • Arrrrggghhh! I think I'm kraken up! The icy waters comforted him, carried him, immersed him...until Kraken emerged from the deep, his baptismal transformation complete. He was now
  • a beautiful Nordic mermaid with flowing green hair. A voice from the deep rumbled, "I christen thee 'Sigbjorg', for thee shall conquer all men forevermore!" Sigborjd's bosom
  • was tattooed with the logos of several death metal bands, and all throughout Sweden Sigborjd was hailed as a hood ornament for electronic guitars across the country.


  1. lucielucie Oct 31 2013 @ 03:56

    I was too busy channelling ee Cummings to notice that pun - thanks for pointing it out PurpleProf! It's good to know that after x number of months on FS I'm punning spontaneously.

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