The closet slowly opened. She walked over

  • The closet slowly opened. She walked over to it and stared into the dark abyss. Slowly letting the darkness consume her hand, she felt the urge to completely take over her.
  • A loud gurgling noise echoed throughout the house from the darkness in the open closet and without any further hesitation she jumped into the unknown blackness within. The next
  • days she spent falling through the black and with nothing around that she could see, there was no sense of up, down or side—only the gurgle getting louder. The only consolation
  • was the new machine being delivered on Saturday. But before that arrived she was hopelessly lost. Her dirty washing had now piled up to the ceiling and had began spilling out onto
  • the balcony. The smell was awful and although she was now used to it, the landlord was not so pleased. Sally pushed through the piles of unclean clothing to get to the front door.
  • "Come in! Come in!" Sally gushed as opened the door. The putrid odor hit the landlord like a ton of bricks. "Oh, don't mind the mess. I was doing a little, uh, reorganizing." Death
  • and disease, or smells like it, the landlord thought. Burf. It brought it all back & reminded him of the war. He felt queasy and leaned shakily against a wall. Sally saw & stepped
  • close to him holding his hand tightly. "You need to see the doctor, it can't go on like this much longer". A shudder passed through his spine at such a thought for he remembered
  • he had left a candle burning in his room. A fire engine's siren pierced the silence as my friend asked me why I was so nervous about visiting the doctor. "It's because the last tim
  • e I visited the Witch Doctor, Ting Tang, the town of Walla Walla was...bing bang...blown to smithereens!" So, we decided to stay at my place and watch Armageddon on Netflix.


  1. inatick Sep 06 2015 @ 03:57

    Sally's washing machine is broken but she is getting a new machine. Unfortunately, her landlord visits before the washing machine arrives and the experience of visiting her messy stinky home triggers post traumatic stress from his war time visit to a witch doctor. Sally watches Armageddon on Netflix with the landlord to help him take his mind off the nausea and the trauma of war.

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