"What IS the meaning of life?" the little

  • "What IS the meaning of life?" the little boy asked to his granny, "Oh my, you always ask rather strange and difficult questions young man, you ought to think about school instead"

  • "Shove school up your ass professor," the little boy said. Then the Granny said, "Oh my, the pearl is in the rainbow." Good now the little boy knew the Granny was his contact

  • (emergencies only). He eyed the form's next item. "Granny, what's your telephone number?" She replied, "2-7. Jitterbug keeps it simple." "Hmm, alright. Have you ever abused drugs?"

  • An awkward silence. The boy couldn't contain his laughter, spitting his hot tea mid-sip all over his Granny's

  • face. She screamed and fell back in her chair, causing me to laugh even longer. Grandma was finally getting her long overdue comeuppance and the boy couldn't be happier. He kicked

  • the old rocking chair, sending Granny rocking back and forward like a Bozo the Clown punching bag. The boy repaid his Granny in full for

  • forcing him to eat all of his vegetables and every other disgusting thing she served for dinner. Now that Granny had her payback, it was time to find old Uncle Mike. Uncle Mike

  • Uncle Mike was out on the porch watching the treeline leading into the forest, his gun laying lax in his lap. Granny too peered into the obscurity of the wood, as the small boy

  • pulled out his sling shot and let fly a stone into the dark woods. There was a slight rustle followed by a huge thunder. Uncle Mike and Granny scooped up the boy and ran inside.

  • After an hour of tremors and shuffling, Storm Tree and its retinue stood outside their house. Storm Tree said, "I believe this is yours," and dropped the stone on the porch.



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