I wanted to believe they were real. The people

  • I wanted to believe they were real. The people my grandmother had spoken of with that gleam in her eye. I wanted to believe I could become one and slip into that world forever.
  • I ran into the forest & lay down on a carpet of moss, willing myself to become small. I wanted with all my heart to become one of The Little People. I must have fallen asleep
  • In my head I thought I believe i can become a little person, then I awoke...
  • The only problem with this? They had awoken in the world of Avatar. They lived peacefully for a while. Then everything changed... When the fire nation attacked.
  • The Fire Nation despised the Avatar for everything they stood for, and they had combined with all the other Elemental Nations, ready for battle.
  • But the Fire Nation made the Water Nation's blood boil, and soon there was too much in-fighting for any decent battle to take place. The Nations repaired back to the four corners
  • of his three cornered hat. They'd figure it out for themselves some day, maybe. The Air Nation bated it's breath when the Air Princess swore her eternal love for the Earth Princes
  • And Voltaire recorded every detail of for his next play. The cafe offered endless inspiration for his writing and he wore a three cornered hat whilst pretending to read the paper.
  • An hour later, Voltaire was looking around for a waiter when he spotted a sinewy man sitting two tables away. The man got up and picked his way through the crowd toward Voltaire.
  • Voltaire at first was appalled, then resigned to the encounter. It was Salvador Dali. "You know from down at the bottom of the Spanish Steps you luck like a bust of you in Hell."


  1. Shabadu666 Jan 18 2018 @ 22:16

    stupid stupid stupid auto correct.

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