"Oh, don't be so scared, it's really very

  • "Oh, don't be so scared, it's really very easy and not that steep at all. Watch me."
  • Of course I had to demonstrate, with much yelling and grievous damage to my person, the ease and speed one could traverse this unconvincingly steep gradient.
  • I started off slow, building momentum as the gradient got more and more inclined. Eventually I realised that this wasn't just a hill, I had reached the end of the Earth itself.
  • I could see all there was too see: The sparkling lakes and oceans, golden-white desert sand, lush green valleys, and the universe itself, stretched out before me.
  • I saw all of this, but only for the briefest of moments. In the days and weeks that were to follow, I would look back incessantly on that moment and wonder if there was anything
  • I could have done, should have done. All I can do now is accept the regret that haunts me and watch carefully over our future together, committed to not putting myself first.
  • I stepped back giving her a little push. She stumbled forward falling into the stage light. There was some jeering from the audience as she picked herself up. It was her chance to
  • shine, to show the world what a star she really was. "The mike! Pick up the mike!" I mouthed to her from backstage. The music began. Terrified, she began to sing, softly at first,
  • but soon, she began to literally shrink. She shrank to the point where she began to invert into herself. This however, enhanced her voice. It echoed through the room.
  • As she folded and crumpled into the Singularity, her brilliant voice rang out one last time: "Oh shoot, I think I broke a nail."


  1. KieferSkunk Feb 02 2015 @ 03:36

    Surprisingly meta.

  2. Chaz Feb 02 2015 @ 05:27

    Explode -> Implode

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