Jamboni ran through the tunnels of his subterranean

  • Jamboni ran through the tunnels of his subterranean home as it began to crumble around him. As he broke out into the surface and left his dwelling forever behind, he realized what
  • McGreggor had in store for the rest of the rabbits. Jamboni, son of Peter, was the last of the Welsh bred thumper clan. He hopped up the hill vowing to return for revenge and
  • made his way to Sellafield where all the rabids, err rabbits were big as dogs with fangs "arr!" After his transmutation, Jamboni returned to the McGreggor farm to avenge his clan
  • but he was apparently too late. Piled in front of the entry gate were the remains of several human bodies, preserved by the harsh Scottish winter. Jamboni's attack-rabbits whined
  • and strained against their elfen-steel leashes. Peering beneath their kilts, Jamboni saw that they had been savaged by the wilding gerbils. He feared for the future of the
  • Starkadian Lapstees. Jamboni applied the Fern Witch's balm to their wounds. To get revenge on the wilding gerbils Jamboni opened the shoot releasing the necromancing hamsters
  • into the field of despondency. The resulting gerbilcide was beautiful in it's cruel efficiency. Jamboni had equipped each necrohamster with a staff 4 vs. gerbil and in a sick
  • bloody Big Bang it was all suddenly over. The evil gerbils were diminished, completely erased from existence and the necrohamsters... well, their bodyparts were all over the place.
  • Some thought that was a problem, but I explained the necrohamsters USED the magic to control dead. The zombiehamsters would have come back to life, & they'd never been summoned.
  • Do you understand, Mr. Bond, what I have set in motion here? Muahaha! Muaahahaha! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!! (to be continued...)


  1. KieferSkunk Sep 06 2012 @ 02:28

    I am really, truly sorry for this terrible cliffhanger. I clicked on the story and realized I'd drawn a complete blank. :)

  2. Zetawilk Sep 06 2012 @ 03:21

    And here I thought we'd get an epilogue.

  3. 49erFaithful Sep 07 2012 @ 14:06

    Would you settle for an epic log? Keifer, you can always start a new story to pick up where this one left off... but no sweat either way.

  4. Zetawilk Sep 07 2012 @ 15:03

    I know I've started two new stories because I ended two others with "To be continued". Sequels! This was excellent until I started getting all technical.

  5. SlimWhitman Sep 08 2012 @ 15:52

    "I really like this one. It has a dark apocalyptic small mammals noir like Plague Dogs or Rats of Nimm but develops a lore all it's own. Has the mettle for a reprise." Dr. R. Leporidus, FoldingStory Ezine Review

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