The raven lifted her up in the harvest moon,

  • The raven lifted her up in the harvest moon, Silvery flakes lowering below her. She looks around with curious eyes. Her raged clothes danced in the wind.
  • Some snow drifted onto her poor weak beak. She was happily delighted and fluttered her wings in excitement. The outside world was brand new to her,and she explored every inch very
  • Some snow drifted onto her poor weak beak. She was happily delighted and fluttered her wings in excitement. The outside world was brand new to her,and she explored every inch very
  • excitedly. "Oh, this world is so amazing!", she thought. Happily, she fluttered around a corner. "How marvelous it is to fly," she thought. Just then, she bumped into a
  • halliwiggins that had been drifting through the kitchen. The halliwiggins was used to this by now. It went outside and changed to its five-giant-celery-stalks configuration. She fo
  • rgot how to make ants on a log.The five-giant-celery-stalks shook in fear of the peanut butter. The halliwinggins struggled to remember the order. Peanut butter celery, raisins? Or
  • should he line up the raisins on the table top, smear the peanut butter over them and top it off with the celery? Finally, one of the raisins spoke up. "Get a job, halliwinggins,"
  • Then the "Skippy" or was it "Peter Pan" peanut butter opened its jar and yelped, "Why do we have to be in the middle of this threesome? Will someone, Please! explain it to me!
  • The raspberry jam banished both to Coventry and instead of PBJ Auntie Floor made jam sarnies and there was peace at teatime. In Coventry, war broke out. The newspapers wrote
  • an 800-page editorial on the Bishopsgate revolt, resulting in mass employee hernias and ruptured disks. Thus, the war ended and all Potter PB&J plants were shut down in perpetuity.


  1. MadWorld Mar 16 2017 @ 11:15

    Whoa. Déjà vu. Lines 3 and 2. Does that mean there is a glitch in the system?

  2. Jimbeau Mar 16 2017 @ 11:19

    That is one helluva large newspaper...lol

  3. Rebbie Mar 16 2017 @ 12:47

    It happened to me once. I just requested they remove the second copy. I don't know how it happens but I felt so embarrassed, like I was hogging the whole story. :S Don't worry Doglover2008 we know it just glitched.

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