One day Tommy was walking to school. Tommy

  • One day Tommy was walking to school. Tommy does not like school but he was happy to go today. They were going on a field trip but when he got to his class, no one was there. The cl

  • The class had already left the school to go on the field trip. Tommy was very upset! He ran out of the room looking for someone, anyone. To his dismay, the school was empty.

  • Hmmmm.... He thought to himself. Since I missed the bus and I'm all alone perhaps I can have a little fun here. He ran for the gym getting excited to play.

  • Once he got into the gym, he found a basketball. He shot hoops for a little while but then got pretty bored. "Shooting hoops alone isn't much fun," he whispered to himself.

  • "So is whispering yourself alone in empty gyms, " a voice, reminiscent of lilting angels and cupcake frosting and unicorn defecation, sounded, startling him. He turned, and the

  • visions of mushroom clouds blossoming in the distance resumed. He stared at the sun a moment too long. For the rest of his life, his sight was encumbered by the artifact, a large

  • Brass piece weighing 6,000 lbs. The bright yellow colour made him snow blind, which meant no walking in snow. Bummer! He needed an indoor ski resort to avoid SAD.

  • But tickets to the indoor ski resort made him even more sad. Blinded, he decided to stand in traffic and sing songs, holding an empty Cheetos bag in which to collect change.

  • But all the change had been thrown away by the Trump Administration and it had been replaced with reactionism with an ever changing but flawed map to Yesterday and sweeping facts

  • about llama reproduction. It all made no sense. The world seemed to melt into insanity. Where did it all go wrong? The dawn came four years after and Trump free world was back.



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