Joe was half asleep when he felt the ghost

  • Joe was half asleep when he felt the ghost cat jump onto his bed. Joe got up to look for the cat's companion. There it was - a dark shadow cringing in the corner over the door. Joe
  • at first didn't know what to think of the thing... that was, until it began to scurry from the doorframe and across his ceiling. Then of course he found it only appropriate to yell
  • all those things that'd get your mouth washed out with soap in a proper god-fearing household. After the verbal fit, he scrambled to get a hold of a frying pan and threw it as hard
  • rock waiters came running out of the kitchen. The pan smashed the glass case with Elvis' jump suit in it. He quickly pulled it on, as the Hard Rock Manager fired his guns.
  • Too late. He'd zipped up and became "The King". His hips swiveled and his lips sneered He began to quaver *You ain't nothin' but a hound dog". The Hard Rock Cafe rocked and rumbled
  • like that night the Moonshoes for Hippos fund hosted its annual bruncheon there. A Hard Rock employee held a large blue dot in front of Elvis's crotch when he performed, lest girls
  • felt disappointed. They raised enough money to buy moonshoes for 3 bloats of hippopotimi. Crammed into a seaplane they landed on the muddy waters of the Limpopo River & poked the
  • breathing holes for the hippopotami. I guess the holes were too big, bc in the am, 2 of them were missing. One might think it would be easy to find them, not the case. Last I heard
  • They got lost in the crowds at Walmart. Like so many
  • other smiley faces pretending everything is alright, putting up a brave front as they wander around in a fluorescent-illuminated haze, yanking their screaming children behind them.


  1. 49erFaithful Aug 01 2013 @ 12:40

    Ahh, the mighty Limpopo! Welcome back Davodd! Also, I enjoyed the "hard ... rock waiters" switcheroo. Cheersh...

  2. PurpleProf Aug 01 2013 @ 13:03

    Davodd...breathing some fresh air into FoldingStory. Thanks for all the recent contributions. You're awesome! :)

  3. Davodd Aug 01 2013 @ 21:57

    Well, it's been a couple years. I just wanted to see if things here were still hopping.

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