With just 20 seconds left in the game, the

  • With just 20 seconds left in the game, the ball at the 1-yard line, down by 4 points and the fate of the world hanging in the balance,
  • TIME OUT! Yells Jesus from the scrimmage and walks to the sideline. "Buddha, the devil knows my running game but I think we can do a Hail Mary pass." "Take it up the middle."
  • no.im good
  • Of course, that's the same lie I tell everyone. In truth, I have a nagging ache in my lower back, my knees crack constantly, and these bunions are just the worst. But nobody wants
  • to turn the light on in the morning & really SEE me. They want me to be who they THOUGHT they slept with last night. I scratched the spot of incessant itching, tearing off the scab
  • and permitting that seeping septic ooze to dribble down my buttocks towards the opening where he had deposited his spore. I wonder if he’ll still say he loves me after he sees that
  • I'm pregnant with his tadpoles. No, he will leave me for sure, but I will raise them. I will raise them up right and they will grow to be decent frogmen, unlike their father. They
  • will have the pine to not shoot their tongue off at every little thing that irritates them. She raise all 100 tadpoles into great frogmen who started the frogman alliance where
  • The 101st tadpole has a special karma. Tadpoles are not born numbered but Mr. Frog tried to conjure which of his offspring was going to be an astronaut. Mrs. Frog didn't care
  • what her children grew up to be, so long as they were kind. With her blackbelt in marital arts, she deflected Mr. Frog's preferential treatment plan and ushered in equality.


  1. KieferSkunk Mar 16 2017 @ 17:18

    That is one really bizarre story, especially given the break in Fold 3.

  2. Rebbie Mar 16 2017 @ 18:10

    Frogman footballer retires due to age and overly large family! Read All about it

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