The following is an unedited account of what

  • The following is an unedited account of what really happened after Sir Gallahad the Chaste followed the Grail-shaped beacon to Castle Anthrax & made acquaintance with the 150 virgi

  • n-eating dragon. You see the Dragon and Sir Gallahad had long since called a truce and started working together. At the Castle Anthrax the Dragon and Gallahad

  • sacked the soldiers, then the Dragon ate the children while Gallahad had his way with the women. Their truce was working splendidly. So splendidly, in fact, that

  • who should be angry but the economists and politicians who hate when things run smoothly? So Gallahad and the Dragon found themselves under severe taxation on fire and arms.

  • Gallahad's people had to meet with Dragon's people to come to a reasonable settlement. It was determined that the Dragon could visit the damsel every other weekend and holidays.

  • Dragon's duties to the Emperor of Penguins were often requiring him to be at sea for days at a time. He had just wireless communication technology on board his ship.

  • He went to the captain in an effort to get some help.

  • Once he arrived at the captains office, he noticed that there was no one there. With papers and files all over the place. It was as if it had been

  • ransacked for someone was looking for something. more officers came and stood in shock of what has happened to the cheifs office as they walked in they found him bleeding on the

  • cold, concrete floor. His wounds poured out blood as he lay there, lifeless. Not only could the officers never have predicted this, they never thought one of their own could do it.



  1. Chaz Nov 16 2016 @ 09:45

    The last four folds popped up really quickly, 3 minute intervals, do you know each other? or...

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