Lindsey erupted into a laughter frenzy after

  • Lindsey erupted into a laughter frenzy after witnessing her friend, Molly, crash and burn on the go-ped while attempting to impress with "stealth" and swift moves. What a wipe out
  • ! Thank G she video'd it and she put it on Utube with the title 'FAIL: Molly Malone on go-ped, hilarious '. Molly was not amused when she found out. Actually she was extremely piss
  • ed off. But then Molly's go-ped FAIL on Utube got 20 million hits. Soon there were parody sites with LOL cats, movie mash-ups, cheap t-shirts, and jokes on Leno. She was a celeb.
  • Inevitably she got a call from the folks at Letterman.Molly was up after the human bagpipe & the kid who swallows golf balls. Hyping up her go-ped FAIL with jetpacks & 4 Hyundais
  • except while she was collecting her jetpacks and stuff, she missed the follow up call from the Letterman producer. She had already told everyone that she was going on Letterman
  • To console herself, she decided to revive every dormant FS fold. Soon the old folds were gone and the writers started fighting over the few new ones.They hacked each others' accoun
  • -tants with machetes to financially ruin each other. This was all playing into Noah's "bait and bleed" strategy. "Now I will climb the leaderboard," he said. Almost-finished folds
  • danced like sugarplums in Noah' s head as he completed story after story. His maniacal laughter could be heard round the globe among the foldsters as he knocked MoralEnd out of 1st
  • Place in a beauty contest, by having cosmetic surgery to look more like a Playboy Bunny. The ruse was so successful that Hugh Hefner himself turned up, and suggested that he went
  • to live in a retirement home in Clacton. The bunnies were so taken with this idea that they had a whip round & bought him the bus ticket themselves. Happy endings all round!


  1. lucielucie May 29 2013 @ 05:21

    I like all the new categories in 'add'. I don't know what they mean but I still like them.

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