He knew what was going on within having climbed

  • He knew what was going on within having climbed in through the window. It was too late. He folded a paper in Assassins Code, threw it where it needed to be left through the window
  • and walked away quickly. There. His conscience was clean. Now there was just one last little task: assassinate the assassin. He fingered the poisoned yo-yo in his pocket.
  • "Shall I take him out using the Invisible Man, or the old Walking the Dog trick?" he thought to himself. But while he was lost in thought, he accidentally gave himself a yo-yo cut.
  • Yo-yo cuts are the worst much worse that toilet paper cuts or gummy worm cuts. He began hopping about in pain holding his finger. Everyone at the store thought it was a flash mob
  • and began to applaud and pogo along with him, completely overlooking the gushing yo-yo cut on his finger. "Call a doctor!" he yelped, and they all tried to high-five him instead.
  • He didn't see it in time. Instead of a high-five, he got several clumsy slaps in the face. "Ah, what the heck, you guys?!" I bounced back on my pogo, and the yoyo string
  • swung out and around and grabbed him around the throat, and he spun out-of-control headfirst into an oncoming bus...egads...what a mess...it must've taken the EMT guys a good three
  • hours to locate his heart, to see if it was beating. It was beating, but barely because his xiphoid process was piercing it. One of the EMTs placed the heart into his pocket and
  • tried to sell it on eBay, anonymously of course. The EMT figured no one would notice right away, since most people who knew the guy already thought he was heartless.
  • There was a flurry of bidding & the heart of the heartless guy went to a rich old man who'd stiffed many a business 'partner' but the heart beat him to death with arrhythmia.


  1. Jimbeau Feb 04 2017 @ 11:45

    He who lives by the poisoned yo-yo dies by the beating heart...W. Shake-a-Tail-Feather

  2. BlastedHeath Feb 04 2017 @ 18:11

    Good story and very nice opener!

  3. LordVacuity Feb 05 2017 @ 03:10

    Now he is your President. You deserve each other.

  4. LordVacuity Feb 05 2017 @ 03:15

    The opener is from conversation I had with my cousin. Right now that I mentioned that to him that this story had ended, I was surprised that he remembered being there when we created the Assassins Code.

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