The bruise was big, vivid and colorful -

  • The bruise was big, vivid and colorful - like an oil spll in a puddle. "What is this?" "What does it look like?" Fine... "Who was it?" "Any lucky guess?"

  • "Little Leroy again!" "You have to stop breast feeding him, Damn it, He's Twenty Six years old." I just smiled, how could I tell him that I was paying Leroy. He Did it sooo weelll

  • nobody, I mean nobody was as good as little leroy. I paid him handsomely for his skills. I don't care what my hubbie says. Little Leroy was the best crystal ball juggler in the

  • whole house. When I needed my crystal balls juggled, I would go to Little Leroy before even thinking about asking my husband. This, of course, caused some marital issues.

  • But what's a little incest between grown adults? Especially when not related to one another! Juggling his crystal balls, I departed from the house to find a more secretive place

  • to stash my tarot cards, just knowing he would come after them in an act of vengeance. I spied a small wooden hut with a rosebush just a little to the left. Quickly, I decided to

  • bury the cards under the rose bush. But it started to rain and I could do nothing about it. Soon the bush started growing until it reached the roof of the barn. And lo and behold

  • I was looking smackdab into a full house - sevens full of tens. I could barely contain my excitement. My neighbor said he thought he smelled

  • a dirty rat. "Your hands ain't so clean" I told Bugsy. What a mistake. His goons dropped their cards & grabbed their heaters. Bugsy said "Take the Grifter out back & give'm lead

  • minatures and couple of 20-sided dice!" The goons and I were forced to play Oubliettes and Ogres in the basement. After a 12 hour marathon session, I gave in. Bugsy would be GM.



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