"Shit neva go down da way ya like it", the

  • "Shit neva go down da way ya like it", the old man mused, taking another bite of Bill's torso. "Bacon do taste good, do taste good though."
  • That's when Shantae Copperdale walked in, PI and certified MILF. The old man was clearly delusional, muttering something about the third little piggy while munching on a severed
  • pig's ear. "What can I do for you?" Shantae said in that husky voice that makes me melt when I hear it. I marveled at how she managed to whip out her 9mm while wearing 6-inch heels
  • I leaned into Shantae even as the muzzle of her gun pressed against my ribs, and my lips brushed her ear when I whispered, "How many millimeters is six inches, anyway?"
  • Her finger tightened on the trigger. "About 150..." she purred in a faintly Gallic accent. Her face wrinkled slightly. "Why this sudden interest in the metric system?" Distracted,
  • i just was looking an video in the IPhone. Then i noticed a big bang. Shit.
  • The universe had just come into existence. And I missed it. All because I was watching a video of a rapping cat on my damned IPhone.
  • I wasn't going to tolerate that. With a snap of my awesome fingers, I destroyed the universe. I may have heard billions of souls cry, but nothing would stop me from watching
  • those Canadians become but an infinitely small speck in cosmic nothingness.
  • At that point I realized, those canadians, no matter how strong or powerful they are, can never force anyone to do thier bidding again. They are stuck in the endless void of space.


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